
more updates! \o/ i am on a roll with keeping all the things updated. go me!

first, the download my sims page has been updated to include damien mutant, monsieur félin… and a third sim…

my updated simself. 😀

she might look a little familiar to you… and that’s because the founder for my current legacy was based off of my simself. *cough*

but anyway, my sim uploads are always CC free and all the custom content used in my own game is listed on the downloads page so my sims can look the same in your game, too. or not, you’re free to make ’em over if you like. (:

also, the family free has been updated as well, for those that are curious to see just how big it’s gotten. it’s not even complete — there are still a few straggling family members i’ve not yet listed — but it’s HUGE right now! and it’ll only get bigger, there are still four generations left to go~

and i think that’s it. ^_^

far too many

there’s a baaaaaaaby in the house!

alistar: “i don’t mind so much that he’s blue, i guess.”

i’m glad you’ve come around. :3 because…
